Sunday, May 31, 2009

hmm. interesting. who'd have thought that a person who yells and gets so frustrated at you could be the one to make you feel better? he doesn't get it. i don't entirely either. we've gone back to being best friends and it just seems right. maybe it's because he yells and gets angry at me that i put up with him so much. it's easy for someone to tell you you're great and you're gonna get through it or whatever to shut you up, but for someone to care that much that it hurts them when you fuck up? that's gotta be something special.

cornflake xo

Saturday, May 30, 2009

today has not been a good day. plenty of crops to harvest on farmtown but that's about it. my arms bore the brunt of it. poor guys. been trying to start the next installment of "sailor grace" but every picture i draw turns to shit. especially frustrating when you know how it's supposed to go but your stupid hand won't follow your mind. watched half a season of "south park" and have only got 1 giggle and not through lack of trying. wonder what would happen if i wasn't here for the play. guess if i did it sooner rather than later someone else could learn my lines. we'll see how rehearsal goes tomorrow.

cornflake xo

Friday, May 29, 2009

sorry for depriving you, my imaginary audience for a couple of days. i won't lie and say i've been busy. i've been enjoying my days without exams and just harvesting on farmtown. watched "schindler's list" tonight. ralph fiennes is brilliant and scary as goeth. not feeling so chirpy and it's not just the movie. oh well. wonder if anyone'll find this after i'm gone. oh, and i've watched the first 3 episodes of "death note". enjoying it much more than expected. although i must say i hate that i'm the clueless one who tries to keep up with everyone else in all these things tvwise, bookwise, whatever. guess i can't complain. everything i like, i take to heart. i can't risk putting it out there for anyone to not like. it's a direct attack on me and my bad taste and what a horrible person i am. catch 22 or what? hopefully my tomatoes are done now.

cornflake xo

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

wish i had time to sit down and watch "schindler's list". been waiting to see that movie for so long and finally bought it last week while looking for a birthday present. it's great being easily distracted. can't stop listening to the song used in the trailer, called "exodus" by polish composer wojciech kilar. goes for 22 minutes and is basically the same phrase over and over but it's really hypnotic in a way that you can just keep listening. coming up with a list of best homer quotes right now. woke myself up giggling to "colonel klink, why have you forsaken me?!"

cornflake xo

Monday, May 25, 2009


damn play dates being changed. i had it nice and planned out. i could go at the end of the term. but now it's in the first couple of weeks of term 3. that's an extra 4 weeks of hanging around i wasn't counting on. fuck.

cornflake. xo

well the first bloggydoo..

in case you're wondering about the name, you're probably a person that doesn't spend a lot of time with me. unless i'm hyper, i'm pretty quiet. walking along, anyone i'm with will stop and ask why i haven't said anything. all i have to say at that is that i have nothing to say. it's not always necessarily true, but it doesn't bore my company to death when i start talking about who-knows-what. so, this blog is about all the things left unsaid. ramblings and tangents and whatnots that i wouldn't be able to say in the flesh and so relocate them to a blog that (hopefully) no one will ever read. and there'll  probably be some random lists of stuff in here as well as i like to make lists.

cornflake xo